Digital Marketing
Web design: get a complete design! Take a look at some examples
WebDesign: get a complete design! Take a look at some examples
Vitoria Hotels
Kristie Resort
Scala Buenos Aires
Responsive site for all devices
SEO – Search engine optimization: optimize your website for search engines
What is S.E.A.?
Advertising on search engines: unlike other ads, on the display network, the ads are displayed in image format, which is, it is completely allowed to display banners of different formats, including the use of video.
Why invest?
This can make a difference for some segments that need greater versatility to get the attention of their target audience and reach a wider audience in many different places.
What is social media management?
The administration of social networks is a set of actions to optimize the use of these channels, which go beyond simply posting on your wall or fanpage.
It is a process that includes from the planning of publications, goes through the production of content and concludes with the monitoring of results.
Why invest?
Social networks have become one of the main communication channels between companies and their public.
Therefore, it is clear the importance of a good management of social networks to avoid the noise of communication and approach the audience.
In addition to maintaining dialogue as a two-way street and creating empathy, social networks serve as a showcase for your products or services, allowing the public to better understand the company and what it offers.
Social media: position your hotel on social networks