
HS LATAM Privacy and Cookie Policy

We hereby inform you that this Privacy and Cookies Policy aims to clarify how we collect, use, share, and protect your Personal Information. This policy may be updated at any time, and whenever there is any change, it will be duly published on our website.

About cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be remembered by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie. We use cookies and technologies to store and respect your preferences and settings, allow you to log in, provide interest-based advertising, combat fraud, analyze the performance of our products, receive network information, and serve other legitimate purposes.

You have a variety of tools to control the data collected by cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. For example, you can use controls in your internet browser to limit how the websites you visit can use cookies and withdraw your consent by clearing or blocking cookies.

Required Cookies

We use required cookies to perform essential functions of the website. For example, they are used to make your contact, save your language preferences, provide a landing page experience, improve performance, direct traffic between web servers, detect screen size, determine page load times, enhance the user experience, and measure audience. These cookies are necessary for our websites to function.


We allow third parties to use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites and how we can improve them. For example, they are used to collect information about the pages you visit and how many clicks are required to perform a task. We use some analytics cookies for advertising purposes.

Social Media

We use social media cookies to display ads and content based on social media profiles and activity on our websites. They are used to connect your activity on our websites to social media profiles so that ads and content viewed on our websites and on social media can better reflect your interests.


We use advertising and marketing cookies to display new ads after recording the ads you have already seen. They are also used to track the ads you click on or show more relevant ads to you. For example, they are used to detect when you click on an ad and display ads based on your interests on social media and your website browsing history.

By accepting our cookies, you agree to the inclusion of your email or contact information in our database, protected according to data protection conventions, and the use of data for the purposes listed above.

For further clarification requests, please email